Code Avengers Blog

Are You An Olympian

Written by Jordan Herbet | Aug 8, 2016 5:00:00 AM

Support your country and athletes!

The team here at Code Avengers has been actively watching the Olympics and supporting the different countries that we all come from. We wanted to combine our passion for sports and coding by creating some simple, yet fun ways people around the world can support their countries while learning to code.

We will be running a competition until August 30th inviting everyone to create a web page for their country, favorite sports team or favorite athlete competing at the Olympics! If you’re not sure how to make a web page, don’t worry! We will show you how to do it all within our platform.

All you have to do is share the link to your web page on Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #CodeAvengers. The link can be found upon completion of the project and sharing directly or by clicking on 'show webpage.html in a new tab' above the tablet view of your webpage within the lesson platform. The tab view also lets you see what your web page looks like within your browser.

Compete for Gold, Silver or Bronze. Gold medalists will win 3 months access to Code Avengers Premium, Silver medalist will win two months access and Bronze medalists will win one-month access.

Start learning to Code and make a webpage for your country or create a profile page for your favorite athlete or sports team.

Check out all the other coding challenges we have for all levels of experience.

See all Olympic code challenges