Written By Ilana Signal
February 28, 2017
Written By Hannah Taylor
June 17, 2016
Written By Ilana Signal
February 28, 2017
Challenge yourself during the Hour of Code!
The Hour of Code is a global movement by Computer Science Education Week and Code.org.
It reaches tens of millions of students in 180+ countries through a one-hour introduction to computer science and computer programming.
Every year we make courses freely available to the public so that they can challenge themselves to create amazing programs, games and, solve puzzles whilst learning about emerging technologies. We love being a part of Code.org's initiative!
Make the Food Frenzy game with JavaScript and learn coordinates by placing players, obstacles and goodItems on a background of your choice.
AVATAR is the latest interactive attraction at ThrillVille theme park. Sakura and Niko can't wait to visit it and experience the world of tomorrow! Join Sakura and Niko as they learn about data, digital footprints, the Internet of things, Big Data, and the implications these have for us as people, and our future.
Felix posts a seemingly innocent photo of Juno on social media, that she desperately wants to have removed. Join them as they learn about cloud computing and track down the photo on a server, stored in an ultra-secure data center. Is there any way to locate and destroy the photo?
Join Maia and Charlie as they celebrate Matariki: the Māori new year celebration from New Zealand. Learn about all kinds of computational thinking skills that fit into the gardening, food preparation, and story of the stars of Matariki.
If you are a teacher wanting to introduce Computer Science into your classroom, Hour of Code can be a good way to ease student in. There is a wide variety of activities and most are suitable for a younger audience with some support. Check out the teaching guides for additional activities to accompany the online course component.