Many teachers ask us, "What is 'data representation' and why is it important?" They wonder whether it's part of mathematics - perhaps something to do with statistics and graphing? While understanding how number systems work is very important, the application of data representation falls under digital curricula.
A digital device stores all data; audio, text, images and more as numbers. Data representation is about understanding how each type of data is processed, stored and displayed within a device, and what impacts this has on how types of data are used. It contributes to our understanding of what computers are able to do and what they can't do ... yet.
Computers are at heart an electronic machine that processes information in one of two states - called bits. These states can be represented with the digits 0 and 1.
This binary number system is at the core of all digital technologies and while the number of things we can do and represent with this simple bit-system are amazing, the way these numbers are frequently depicted in the media with long strings of 0s and 1s in various combinations can be quite intimidating. How on earth do computer scientists make sense of all those numbers?
Fortunately for everyday computer users, while computers store and process all information in binary, every day computer users are shielded from the 1s and 0s. However it is important to start the process of demystifying the way computers store and process data in the binary system early. Knowing how computers can store and transform books, music, photos and other kinds of data is key, So our courses begin right from Level 1 for junior primary / elementary school students, by looking at the ways humans gather and process information from the world around them.
Our Data Representation 1 course for children aged 5-8 years is called Carnival in Crisis. This course provides an introduction to the concept of data. It looks at ways that we collect data from the world around us, through our five senses. We organise and making sense of it in our brains so that it can be used to help us make decisions.
Cody and Ava, the two main characters in this story, collect data from around a carnival site and help Aunt Kate to get all the rides, stalls and games ready for opening day. Students help them and along the way have the chance to collect, count, measure, sort and display data. We did warn you that there is some mathematics involved in Data Representation!
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Our Data Representation 2 course for students 7-11 years is called Museum Mystery takes students on a tour around a museum, learning how humans have used technology to communicated throughout history. Students collect clues to solve the mystery of the missing professor as they learn about body language; pictographs, hieroglyphs, sign-language and braille.
They investigate the inventions that allowed for faster communication over longer distances, such as the semaphore and morse code, following the development of code until they are introduced to binary code and the way computers use it to represent sound and pictures.
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Our Data Representation 3 course, Numbers Through Time, is written for students 10-13 years old. The story carries on from the Museum Mystery adventure and takes students back in time to rescue some of the important thinkers who shaped the way we understand, represent, and use number today.
Students will gain a greater understanding of binary and other number systems and codes that are important for computing.
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Our Data Representation 4 course, Reality Bytes, is written for students 13-15 years old. Students enter an AI controlled education lab, where they investigate how digital systems represent and store more complex types of data in binary.
Students will discover how sound, text, and images are represented on digital devices and how AI deals with our big data.
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Alongside these four interactive courses Code Avengers provide a number of offline activities and worksheets that teachers can use to consolidate students understanding of Data Representation.
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