Learn Game Dev With Code Avengers

Game development

Everyone loves to play games. In this course you'll learn JavaScript and PaperScript programming so you can build and share your own games.

Game development is one of the most popular areas of programming. While there are many software engines that allow you to develop a game without building one from scratch, learning to develop your own games will increase your knowledge and give you the freedom to create exactly what you want.

Game development image

If you're new to programming, we’ll lead you through the coding courses and gaming projects.

We’ve also created a base program with some inbuilt functions so you can start straight away with the basics of game creation.

The projects will gradually get more detailed as you progress but at the same time you’ll get more competent until you reach a sufficient proficiency in coding games for yourself.

Game development programming

The game development track teaches sequential, conditional and iterative programming in JavaScript and connects to several projects that lets you share the games you’ve created.

Game development course:

Sections of game play

Calculations & Variables

First up, we'll teach how to allow users to engage with your website using prompts, variables and alerts.

If Statements & Booleans

Next you’ll get your code to react to various situations by using Boolean values, confirm boxes and If statements.

While Loops

You’ll then learn how to use while loops to repeat certain parts of your code. You’ll use loops to create a calculator and quizzes and learn how to prevent an infinite loop!

For loops & Testing

You’ll progress into for loops and learn how to exit a loop early. After this module, you'll know how to stop a user’s invalid input to prevent your program from crashing.

Try game development now!

Make your own game and share

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You’ll use our IDE (Integrated Development Environment) which is our code editor for writing and testing software so you can develop and prototype your games. Our game editor extension also makes it easy to create different levels and place game characters.

The reference and download buttons will remind you of code you may have forgotten and allow you to save your work to your computer.

You can deploy your game via a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) which is a fancy way of saying you can share it with an internet address so others can access and play it.

Check out the IDE

Teaching game development in schools


If you are a teacher wanting to introduce programming into your classroom, we suggest trying game development. Students love the visual feedback and share-ability of programming a game. Often its difficult for beginners to make a game that’s fun and cool while at the same time simple enough for them to develop. Our courses are designed to cover all the required elements of programming while at the same time, bringing the fun and the cool.

For all students

This is an engaging option for a programming curriculum. Our courses are written so they align with the programming learning objectives of a number of different countries' curricula. We’re happy to help if you want to know which levels or sections your class should do to cover a particular topic.

Our teacher dashboard can help you find resources and analytics to help you give the best learning experience for your students.

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